2011-08-05 - Speedwork at UM


2+ miles @ ~9.5 min/mi

Good intention: 8 x 400m intervals. Actuality: at the University of Maryland's Ludwig Field/Kehoe Track the 9am heat and humidity melt away resolve, and after half a dozen deteriorating laps (1:43 ⇒ 1:40 ⇒ 1:44 ⇒ 1:46 ⇒ 1:45 ⇒ 1:47) with ~2:15 recovery between each, it's time to throw in the sweaty towel. The GPS trackfile shows details, with an entertainingly-EKG-like pace graph. Temporary bleachers for the soccer field block lanes 1 and 2 on the east side of the oval and add a few extra meters to the route — not enough to explain the slowness. Perhaps a blood donation 2 weeks ago is still a factor?

^z - 2011-08-17